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A member registered Aug 25, 2020

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i'm listening


I love it!

But sometimes it's hard to move between objects.

And this is just an idea but if you import days that last a few minutes minutes or so and after a few days u can get a promotion to a different floor in the building u can import different maps that will get harder the more progress u make. (not to offend you but the map became a bit boring .) And maybe also add new tasks.

It was really fun playing but I don't see myself playing this more then 5 hours because it will be the same.

I give it a 8/10

It's really fun to play!

But I think it would be more fun if you need to gain speed instead of having the same speed the whole time.

And the way you move to the right and left is really fast because sometimes I fall of the edge because it's too fast.

Still really fun and I hope it gets released in the future. (I don't know if this game is still in development but it would make a great game.)